To the men out there—let us tell you a secret, that bar of soap and water is not gonna cut it for personal grooming. We know having a full-blown skincare and shaving routine is not a man’s forte, but did you know that men tend to have oilier skin than women? To add to it, did you know that Singapore’s high-humidity weather means you’re more prone to acne and skin infections? Now, do you see why that bar soap and water isn’t the way?
No need to panic, Men’s Biore heard you. Introducing the Double Moist Up Instant Foaming Wash, here to keep your cleansing routine simple and efficient for clean, youthful-looking skin. It effectively deep cleans your pores, but is yet gentle enough for everyday use and keeps your skin moisturized, thanks to its 40% moisturizing serum.
A feature you’re gonna love is the denser and finer foamy texture of the wash, which doubles up as a shaving foam that minimizes razor burns. With Men’s Biore’s Double Moist Up Instant Foaming Wash, you’ll get to save time, save money, and save your skin. Find them in your local Watsons, Sheng Siong, NTUC, Donki and Welcia outlets now.